The Enapter Quality Policy

Welcome to the Enapter community!

First up, we have to mention that quality is a key element of Enapter’s company principles. These principles guide all of our actions, not just the delivery of products and services that are safe and compliant with the requirements of our customers and partners. They also guide Enapter’s employees for the achievement of our ambitious mission of making green hydrogen affordable and accessible to all with AEM Electrolysers – thus helping to replace fossil fuels and flip global warming.

Powering Our Mission

Our guiding principles “urgency, simplicity and transparency” are the key to succeeding in our mission. We always keep focused on our customers and cutting the cost of green hydrogen. Due to the urgency of our goal, we are developing and producing our products in a highly efficient and systematic way. We focus on our capacities, reduce inefficiencies and use quality methods to address and solve the challenges we have. Simplicity and transparency therefore guide us in everything we do. Our projects follow the Agile principles, and our team members are trained to face challenges by collaborating with interdisciplinary teams. We promote knowledge sharing, we support one another with challenges on a daily basis, and we support our customers by continuously improving our products and service.


Failing Forward

We act with urgency and always welcome experiments! Doing nothing is worse than making mistakes.
If we have an idea, we are fast to try it out and see if we can make it work – and decisive in moving on to a better alternative if it doesn't.

Solution Power

Enapter creates strong solutions in interdisciplinary teams.
We act fast and strive for continuous improvement.

End-to-End Quality

Ensuring built-in quality over the complete value chain saves time and effort for all parties.
We install quality gates from the first design, all the way through to customer operation.


Personal Responsibility

We don’t have too many restrictive and inflexible rules that limit the ability to act with initiative.
Team members take ownership of ideas and are proactive in implementing their creative ideas.


Enapter builds on top of internal and external best-of-breed solutions.
We develop common standards to increase our efficiency.
We focus on developing standardised products with no customisation.

Supplier Management

Everyone sticks to their core competencies, and we integrate suppliers into our value chain.
We develop close supplier relationships and joint development.


Internal collaboration

Our process interfaces are transparent and prevent working in silos.
We can get in touch with anyone we need – including the CEO.
Sharing knowledge and experience, we improve with every lesson learned.

Measure & Improve

We develop and implement data-based improvement measures.
Data intelligence enables us to introduce preventative action.

External expectations

People know exactly what to expect in working with Enapter.
We’re transparent with our rapidly-advancing plans for making green hydrogen cheaper than fossil fuels.