What is the Enapter Water Tank (WT)?

The water storage capacity of the Enapter WT is 35 litres. The pump of the WT offers a supply rate of up to 3.8 L/min. Depending on the length of the pipes to the electrolysers a single typical refilling can

January 11, 2022

The water storage capacity of the Enapter WT is 35 litres. The pump of the WT offers a supply rate of up to 3.8 L/min. Depending on the length of the pipes to the electrolysers a single typical refilling can be accomplished in between 10-20 seconds. This allows 30 electrolysers to be refilled at the same time if the water in the WT is accordingly refilled. While the WT can supply even more electrolysers in one stacked system, for redundancy purposes it is suggested not to supply more than 30 electrolysers. (WT2.1 data sheet))