

Hydrogen Terminal MW-scale research hub

Braunschweig, Germany

The Hydrogen Terminal project located at the Braunschweig Research Airport spans 4,700m², serving as a hub for research expertise along the hydrogen value chain in the megawatt range. This R&D project is a collaborative initiative between the Steinbeis Innovation Centre siz energieplus and the Technische Universität Braunschweig.

At its core is Enapter’s containerised 1 MW AEM Nexus 1000 electrolyser. Equipped with 420 modular AEM Stacks, this first commercial unit will produce up to 450 kg of H2 per day.
The multi-purpose project’s research focuses include fuel cell test benches, testing the world’s largest metal hydride storage system from our partner GKN Hydrogen, aging tests with different hydrogen qualities and use of processed electrolysis waste heat using a high-temperature heat pump.

It also includes research to further enhance electrolysis efficiency, refuelling of heavy-duty trucks at a pressure level of 350 bar, grid balancing services using electrolysis and fuel cells in conjunction with a 1.1MWh battery storage system and a 150kWp solar system to replace fossil fuel power plants in addition to prractice-oriented integration into degree programs and other educational formats.
Green hydrogen produced onsite will be safely stored in GKN Hydrogen’s metal-hydride storage. In a second step, it will be used locally and transported to its applications via hydrogen pipeline.

More details about the project are available here.

Electrolyser (AEM multi-core) 1 x AEM Nexus 1000
Photovoltaic (PV) 150kW
Batteries 1.1MWh battery storage system
Other components H2 Refuelling Station from Maximator with 350bar
Partner H2 Core Systems