Partner per l’integrazione degli elettrolizzatori
State cercando un integratore per avviare il vostro progetto con l’idrogeno? Enapter si dedica esclusivamente alla produzione di elettrolizzatori innovativi e per questo dispone di una rete professionale di partner certificati, pronti a integrare senza problemi la vostra soluzione basata sull’idrogeno.
Che cos’è un partner certificato? I nostri partner certificati ricevono da noi una formazione completa sull’integrazione della nostra tecnologia nel quadro dei più alti standard, per garantire ai nostri clienti il miglior servizio e il miglior risultato finale.
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TEKSIS was founded with the mission to provide rapid, reliable, practical and cost-effective clean energy solutions. TEKSIS aims to develop sustainable and innovative solutions and services in every ring of the hydrogen value chain.
With 20+years of experience in Hydrogen Technologies, TEKSIS integrated the first green hydrogen production facility in Turkey with Enapter AEM Electrolysers. Moreover, TEKSIS Technology Building is Turkey's first Energy Neutral Building, where hydrogen has been produced by Enapter AEM Electrolysers that runs with the electricity produced by the solar panels located at the roof. In this technological building, the solar energy that is not used during the day is stored as hydrogen, and the energy needs of the building are met by converting it back into electrical energy with PEM Fuel Cell. TEKSIS is always pleased to introduce the technology by hosting potential investors and customers as well as all researchers, students, individuals and institutions interested in hydrogen energy technologies in this building.
TEKSIS is an industrial corporate member of Hydrogen Europe and strongly believes in the key role of Green Hydrogen for the decarbonization transition.
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