October 2022: Enapter’s coming to events near you, running on OPC UA and much more!
Our ambition is not just to keep up, but to enable the decentralised renewable solutions that can contribute to this change and serve rapidly evolving energy needs. Our action and news this month take us all around the world, so sit back and enjoy the ride!
5. octobre 2022

Dear friend of Enapter
The energy landscape is changing by the day. Our ambition is not just to keep up, but to enable the decentralised renewable solutions that can contribute to this change and serve rapidly evolving energy needs. Our action and news this month take us all around the world, so sit back and enjoy the ride!

Enapter Exhibits in India & the USA
Our team has been on the road in the last weeks, connecting with partners and clients old and new at Renewable Energy India Expo 2022 (where we had the only electrolyser on display) and RE+ 2022 in Anaheim, California.
We learned a heap from both events. For example: In the US, the regional and central governments are implementing support schemes for green hydrogen. Many RE+ visitors mentioned this and expect the green H2 business to grow massively. Read the 5 things we learned during RE+ in Anaheim, California here.
Our insights from Renewable Energy India (REI) Expo will also be up on LinkedIn later this week, so follow us here to get the learnings from our business development colleagues!
If you’re interested in securing one of the first generation AEM Multicores for deployment in 2023, make sure you get a non-binding quote before it’s too late!
Green Mobile Grids for Disaster Relief – & More
While it’s hard to watch natural disasters unfold with increased frequency and ferocity worldwide due to global warming, we’re glad to see mobile nano-grids powered by green hydrogen emerge as a tool for disaster-torn areas.
The mobile off-grid nano-grids from Sesame Solar are rugged containerized systems that electronically unfold and can start generating power within 15 minutes of setup, providing relief to hard-hit communities. Find out about this and other use cases here!
Also, don’t forget to request a commitment-free quote if you are interested in securing some units of our revolutionary AEM Multicore series.

See How We’ll Power the Enapter Campus
The Enapter Campus will run 100% on locally-made renewable energy. But what does this actually look like?
More than three kilometers of clean energy pipelines run from the neighboring #Bioenergiepark to our site. To be precise, 3,745m of pipelines and 2,270m of 30kV cable will provide district heating and electricity from wind, solar and biogas. We’ve also installed a dedicated 2,210m pipeline for transporting green hydrogen. 2.2 MWp rooftop photovoltaics and green hydrogen from local test stations will follow soon. Want an eagle’s eye view?
Check out our flyover video on LinkedIn!
Enapter is the 1st Electrolyser Maker with OPC UA Standard
We wanted to make it even easier to deploy our devices and accelerate industry’s adoption of green hydrogen, so we recently became the first electrolyser producer to run the popular OPCUA communication standard for Industry 4.0 and the IoT.
Known by some as “the global production language”, OPC UA enables improved data communication and interoperability between devices and systems in many industries. The standard now runs on our AEM Electrolysers, enabling improved data communication and interoperability between devices and systems in many industries.
Read more in our OPC UA announcement
Even More Events Coming Up in October!
October is absolutely full of events for Enapter and our integration partners, ranging from Japan to Istanbul, Scotland, the US, Italy and Germany!
We’ll be exhibiting at the Hydrogen Energy Summit & Expo in Bologna, from October 12-14, REIF Fukushima 2022 & Fukushima Zero Carbon Day from October 13-15, and Washington State Solar Summit in Seattle on October 14.
Make sure to book your meetings in advance online on our events page – and check out the other events with our partners and speaking slots.
See all upcoming events and book meetings.
Thanks for reading, and please share this newsletter with anyone you think would appreciate it!
All our best,
The Enapter Team