The Big Thing 2019: Hands-On Hydrogen Workshops
A week full of hydrogen and fun
10. octobre 2019

If you thought building a microgrid without fossil fuels wasn’t possible, think again! We built a solar-hydrogen-microgrid in a few hours to show the versatility of hydrogen as an energy carrier.
To throw light on the role green hydrogen plays on our future, we hosted The Big Thing event in Thailand. Our aim was to inspire a hydrogen mindset, demonstrate the reality and introduce the team who are constantly advancing the technologies. Over 7 days, team Enapter and the participants immersed themselves into hydrogen use cases, technology, and finance.
At the hands-on hydrogen workshop, we wanted to provide a blueprint on how to build a hydrogen microgrid. All components were laid out and ready to be assembled. Prior to the action, participants walked through stations to understand the different systems used. In under 2 hours, the energy system was up and running. We set the rules LIVE to control the energy system – to start or stop hydrogen production and other remote control features the EMS offers.
In Bangkok, our team of electrochemists held the Electrochemistry workshop for industry and academic researchers. Many ask, « what makes Enapter so unique? » The answer is the Anion Exchange Membrane technology. Here we offered researchers the opportunity to find out more about AEM by taking a look inside the minds of our electrochemists.
The Hydrogen Finance Workshop discussed the sources of hydrogen and price trends projected in the next 6 years. We believe in the positive impact green hydrogen can have on our current climate situation. By coupling green electricity with sectors other than power, we can slow down climate change. If it hasn’t been done before, it’s because of cost. So when will green hydrogen be cost-effective? Forbes wrote about it too!
Our Press Conference was hosted at the Nongnooch Garden Mutual. In the 600-acre garden, the owner grows prehistorical plant seeds, that are living proof of his conservation objectives. Together Kampon Tansacha and Sebastian expressed their ideas to preserve our environment with technologies like hydrogen.
Watch the recap video below!
by Vaitea Cowan